How many hours do I have to study ?
‘Work hard earn smart’ is an old saying which completely states the importance of hardwork in order to achieve success, but the modern society has it’s own theories and sayings. Due to the increase in competition, extra curricular activities, the time left for self study is really less therefore it's now time to shift from hard work to smart work.
The best way to grab and understand anything is to concentrate.
You have to give all your attention when you are studying, say no to phone calls, say no to friends chats and social media.
Time management
There are several techniques by which you can manage your time effectively and can make the day productive. Some of the proven tips are below.
ABCD analysis
A technique that has been used in business management for a long time is the categorization of large data into groups. These groups are often marked A, B, C and D—hence the name. Activities are ranked by these general criteria:
A – Tasks that are perceived as being urgent and important,
B – Tasks that are important but not urgent,
C – Tasks that are unimportant but urgent,
D – Tasks that are unimportant and not urgent.
Each group is then rank-ordered by priority
80-20 trick
The idea is that 80% of tasks can be completed in 20% of the given time, and the remaining 20% of tasks will take up 80% of the time.
The 80-20 rule can also be applied to increase productivity: it is assumed that 80% of the productivity can be achieved by doing 20% of the tasks. Similarly, 80% of results can be attributed to 20% of activity. If productivity is the aim of time management, then these tasks should be prioritized higher.
Pay attention in the class
Make a habit of paying attention in the class because the topic given more importance/emphasis in the class by the teacher is likely to come in the exam.
Interacting with the teacher in the class makes an impression in the teacher’s mind that the student is eager to learn, therefore she focuses on you more.
Revise Revise & Revise
It’ s human tendency to forget things, therefore it’s important to revise in the regular interval so that the topic will be crystal clear and you will not face any problem during the exams.
Give time to each subject
Time should be given to each subject whether it’s SST, Maths, English, etc
You should allocate your time. Eg: If you are weak in Maths and you have an upper hand in English than you should give more time to maths and comparatively less time in the English subject.
At Least 40 minutes should be given to each subject as self study.
Each subject is important, efforts should be made in each subject.
Hard work is good but smart work is best.